Hello. I'm 43 yrs old with 2 young children. I have been struggling with progressive symptoms for few months & no solid answers. I have had progressive numbness, weird sensations, discomfort in feet, hands, arms. Random limbs back & forth. Recently, developed deep ache in wrists, hands, lower arms. Neurologist did full brain & Cervical MRI to rule out MS etc. in January Came back with 'c5c6 disc bulge/herniation with tear abutting the sac causing mild central canal stenosis'. Also small protrusion c4c5. Neurologist waving back & forth on symptoms being from disc because I don't have solid 'neck pain' (just stiffness/ache). She first told me it was all from disc, may need neurosurgeon-now she says my symptoms don't match?? She said looking at slides closer my disc is not pinching spinal cord or anything so she completely brushed it off. She is concerned of neuropathy, fibromyalgia etc?? I have EMG scheduled next week. In last 6 days I have been stuck in home. Can not function well, clumsy hands, weak arms, upper legs. Radiating ache, tingling in shoulders, upper back/neck & at times my body feels like in shock. Radiating vibration feeling or what may be nerve pain wraps around to my abdominal area, upper back/neck, shoulders, upper & lower arms, hands. I'm shaking, quivering inside constantly. Some spasms. I am afraid to drive my children to/from preschool as I feel uncoordinated, foggy headed from it all. I am clumsy in typing this all now as hands are clumsy/numb
Anyone have symptoms like these from disc herniation? Neurologist was never clear on nerve roots being impacted/irritated.
Grateful for any response.
Thank you
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