I need your support and help please

Postby Equality4 » Sat Apr 19, 2014 1:00 pm

Hi guy's, I need your support and help please, I'm trying to raise awareness for all Equality for people with disability, spinal injury . I trying to get the message out through t-shirts, I've come up with a few designs and would like your feed back. You can check it out on facebook and help me get the word out, you may even like a design and buy one for yourself, family or a friend. All details are on fb...it's all non profit...it's something I'm really passionate about, anyway you can help would be great. thank you for reading....like me on FaceBook n share please... www.facebook.com/Equality4Wheelability
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Joined: Sat Apr 19, 2014 12:17 pm

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