Spinal shock occurs after the onset of trauma to the spinal cord. Shock tends to occur several minutes after injury and at this time it is crucial that correct medical intervention is on place.
The body reacts to injury by developing swelling to the spinal cord and this can then cause function to impaired to the point of it being very difficult to get a true assessment of the actually extent of function loss and nerve damage.
Spinal shock can last for approximately 4-6 weeks and during this period nerve signals are inhibited so function below injury level can show as worse that it is. That said, its important to remember that even after the swelling has reduced, sometimes function does not return.
It some cases function returns completely and in some cases part function returns, it all very much depends. There are some individuals that will experience spinal shock for months..each person will vary.
It is crucial that correct intervention is given at the time of injury that helps prevent nerve cell death. There are procedures that are a standard and set in place to help save as much function as is possible.
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